11 People.
Our concept is based on the belief that social norms and individual character traits are fundamental building blocks for successful personality development. In team sports, the same characteristics and behaviors are necessary as in a functioning society. Our training units therefore not only serve to promote individual talent in football, but also to teach values and social behavior.
This is where our social concept, "11 People," came from.
If you would like to find out more, we have provided you with a more detailed insight into the philosophy of our football academy below, shown in a 4-1-3-2 formation.
Each of the 11 jersey numbers, each position or each slogan represents a virtue that we consider particularly important in our social concept.
1 Health
Unser Trainingsprogramm bietet einen idealen Ausgleich zu einem hektischen Alltag mit Schulverpflichtungen. Durch gezieltes Training im Freien, auf dem Platz und in der Halle passen wir uns individuell an jedes Leistungsniveau an, um Überforderung zu vermeiden. Neben der Stärkung von Muskeln und Knochen betonen wir die positiven Auswirkungen auf Geist und Seele. Unsere professionellen Einheiten beinhalten nicht nur ballbasierte Übungen, sondern auch koordinative und sensomotorische Schulungen. Wir integrieren Themen wie Ernährung und Schlaf, da eine ausgewogene Lebensweise den Grundstein für ein gesundes und erfülltes Leben legt.
2 Friendship
Through the constant training sessions, the players see each other regularly and have an immediate bond through the same sport. The first cornerstone of a friendship is a similar area of interest. Shared victories and defeats, recurring training or competitions are moments in which a team writes a story together and thus creates further opportunities for an intensive friendship. In this way, positive and negative emotions and experiences are quickly linked. Through our tactical units, the players also realize that they are dependent on everyone else on their team and that they have to work together.
3 Trust
In sport, especially in football, self-confidence is crucial. Quick decisions in a split second can be decisive in the game, and there are many ways that can cause discontent in the team. Dealing with your own bad decisions is crucial. Our regular meetings under professional guidance offer a safe space in which players can work on their strengths and weaknesses and gain additional confidence. Successes and setbacks, accompanied by constant motivation, contribute to this. Through training evaluations and player reflections, we also strengthen a confident character.
4 Communication
Good communication forms the basis for successful training and competitions in our team. Clear structures and tasks promote our players' learning. Our communication games make it easier to join the group, reduce inhibitions and lay the foundation for open exchange. Communication improves processes, prevents mistakes and can also be non-verbal, which has the advantage that the players do not have to speak the same language. They can signal their readiness to play through gestures and sounds. Early encouragement to communicate is important, especially for young players, who are then given options for solutions. Our team places value on common goal-seeking and supportive, fair communication - constructive criticism is the priority, not offensive outbursts.
5 Acceptance
Through constant training sessions, test matches and competition situations, the players quickly find out their strengths and weaknesses. The learning and training phases increase your own skills and perceived weaknesses are strengthened through repetition. Your own skills and the associated learning processes then ensure that the players recognize progress and grow from it. This leads to self-earned acceptance. Only when you accept yourself can you be accepted by others.
6 Equality
Football connects people regardless of social, financial or family differences. The worldwide popularity of the sport overcomes the first obstacle of distance. Football creates a common ground, regardless of individual characteristics. In team sports, a bond is created that exists even without many words or due to language barriers. This bond extends beyond the edge of the field and is based on automatically conveyed values such as teamwork, discipline, fairness and punctuality. These principles are the basis for the equality of the players in a team.
7 Discipline
A professional implementation of a tension-free training session with many players requires clear rules and well-thought-out processes. Adhering to preparation, punctuality and structured training content not only promotes the players' attention, but also creates discipline. Especially for children and young people, who often have no fixed framework outside of school, this discipline not only contributes to training success, but also has a positive effect on everyday life by highlighting the importance of order and self-control.
8 Fairplay
Fair play is the observance and recognition of social norms and the rules of the game. In other words, dealing with your teammates and opponents in a spirit of partnership, where the same conditions prevail. Fairness goes beyond the given rules, no matter what problems or adversities are faced. Regardless of whether there is a win or a loss, this is always demonstrated by the coaching staff. Composure is maintained and the players are given positive support. This is further promoted by developing a team spirit.
9 Courage
Courage is not only the willingness to change, but also the conscious overcoming of fear. In other words, going your own way, knowing that you might fail. A skill that is required in every sport. Especially in football training and in competitions, where it is ultimately practiced. Because in every 1-on-1 situation, your own courage is put to the test.
10 Will to succeed
Constant training and self-reflection automatically raise personal standards. Those who concentrate on something for longer logically improve their performance. This leads to increased self-confidence, the gradual achievement of small goals and an ongoing learning process. In a time when everything is available online with just one click, we observe that difficulties are increasingly occurring, especially in younger age groups. We therefore believe it is important to work specifically on your own will to succeed.
11 Modesty
"Modesty is a virtue, but you get further without it!" Modesty does not mean not being aware of your own abilities, positive character traits or successes. Nor is it synonymous with being unpretentious or content. Rather, it is a healthy reflection of your own position in the team or society, in which you know your strengths and weaknesses. Everyone is equal and often you can't do without the others. In team sports, players are reminded of this again and again. It only works best when everyone in the team thinks about the team and doesn't put themselves first because they are supposedly the best.